Biuro handlowe Kiwa Sp. z o.o.
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
ul. Grażyńskiego 70
tel./fax +48 33 812 48 47
tel. +48 33 816 61 15
tel. +48 602 170
tel. +48 602 170

Policeman’s traffic paddle
Standard and illuminated traffic paddle. Traffic paddles are disk-shaped elements used for stopping vehicles. A standard traffic paddle has a white border with external diameter of 140mm, inside the border there is a red circle, both circles having the same centre. A traffic paddle has got a 160mm long handle and a string securing a paddle against being dropped. An illuminated traffic paddle has a white border with external diameter of 175mm, with a green circle (on one side) and a red circle (on the other side) inside. The red and green circles are 110mm in diameter and are illuminated with LED diodes fitted in the circles. The diodes are powered with R14 batteries located inside the handle. The handle has a string securing a paddle against being dropped.